EARMILK premiers Season of Stone
Very proud that EARMILK premiered Season of Stone. Who knew such a raw track would get a feature in this great mag. Check it out Here or read below...
"Armed with a very emotional-laden vocal style, the listener is engulfed by her raw voice that cascades the guitar-driven soundscape. Unusually, the song lyrics make use of ancient Greek mythology where the storyteller has found a passage between worlds.
Deborah bridges many gaps on the song where she pays homage to her father's beloved classical sacred music on the chorus. While the pre-chorus offers a nod to heavy metal, revealing some of the more creative influences underpinning the EP. "Season of Stone" was written while her father was in a coma and was recorded a few weeks after he passed away. The record is the title track of a 6-song EP that depicts Deborah’s mourning process through strange dreams, spiritual journeys, and tales of city life. The EP is dedicated to Deborah's father, Jean Louis. Listen to the EP on Spotify."